ericboy's Diaryland Diary


\"Oh pick me up and play with me / talk through me and make me say bad things.\"

Coming to you live from one of those places where everyone around me is playing an online game wherein they kill another online player in one way or another. All explosions and clanging steel and cursing under ones breath. The TVs above stream video game previews, disaster-news, and sports coverage. The overhead music is chill and the keyboards glow blue, I suppose to counter-balance all the testosterone. The air-conditioning is tip-top, though, so things could be worse.
That's right, boys and girls: Ye Olde Internete is down at mi casa. I can't honestly tell you why. I've done just about all the troubleshooting that I can do and I even had a friend look at it. And he's a bit of the expert. I refer to him as "The Asian". If The Asian can't do anything, it's fucked. So I guess I'm in the market for a new computer. Mine was on its last leg, anyway. I'm hell on computers. And shoes. And pants. And backpacks. And cars. And my stomach. And baseball caps. And ignorant people. But none of this is news.
So, let's talk politics while we have this moment, shall we? McCain's VP choice is Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin. (Is it Sarah? I'm not near a talking head right now and to be honest I just let Republican names fall out of my head as soon as they enter) What I do no of this woman is not positive, and before you ask, yes, I've received informations from both sides of the political rift. Her own campaign champions her as a foreign-relations wizard because of the number of Alaskan constituents who have been sent to the war in the Middle East. Um, does that have anything to do with the governor? I mean, by that rationale, all of our governors have tremendous foreign-relations experience then, don't they? Hell, by a simple degree of separation, any one of them can claim to have single-handedly brought the U.S. an un uncontested victory in the Middle East. They'd be stretching the truth in more ways than one with such a statement, since a declaration of that magnitude is far off and seemingly impossible. But it seems that it's exactly what the Palin campaign wants us to think. And, um, no.
As for her 17-year-old daughter's pregnancy, yes, that is a direct reflection of her stance for abstinence education and against a woman's right to choose. Am I saying youthful pregnancies are inherently bad? No. I know plenty of parents who have had their children at a young age. Also, about 90% of those are single parents. I'm just saying.
But the republican women voters don't seem to care. They see her as a rack and a vagina, more so than the men do. I think, to hammer the point home, the Republican campaign should hire Bill Clinton to be the voice of their women voters. Have him take out a 15-second ad on primetime TV where he'll say, "McCain and Palin are the obvious choice for this election. The fact of the matter is, if you have a vagina, you have my vote." Of course we'll need that famous gesticulation of his with his thumbs over his fists, slightly raised and bounced to punctuate his pauses. I know it seems an odd choice, but we'll take it coming from Bill. And frankly, he's the only one we'd take that from. "Oh, Bill, you old rascal. That's so true, though. So true."
Well, until the internet miraculously comes back to life at my house, that's the last you'll hear from me for a while. I hope it suffices.
And, oh yeah, McCain is a puppet. He died three years ago and is animated only by the will and technology of the Republican party on the command of Dick Cheney. Just so you know.

11:37 a.m. - 2008-09-03


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