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ericboy's Diaryland Diary


\"I'm forever black-eyed / a product of a broken home\" - Placebo

Christmas is over and order has been restored to the land.
I woke up at 10-ish this morning and walked 30-some-odd blocks back to my place. I had spent the evening previous visiting with my friend Makana who works at a bar. I helped him close the place down and we both crashed at a mutual friend's place around six am.
I get home and do the gift exchange with the roommate and field calls. She got me the new U2, which I really enjoy so far, and burned me a copy of this bitching box set of eighties tunes called "Left of the Dial : Notes from the Eighties Underground". Very cool, indeed.
I take a shower and watch Television for hours. Then I call a friend who had invited me to a Christmas gathering, featuring "High Holy Sandwiches". I asked what these were and she shrugged. "I guess they're just really good," she said. I had fancied that they might burn a vision of Jesus into each slice of toast or something, but that wasn't the case. As it turns out, they were just really good. I take a bus over there and eat the sandwich and open two gifts while watching Van Helsing. Oh my God, what a piece of shit that movie is. I'd seen it already so I knew what to expect. I leave with some friends and go back to their place. We drink for an hour or so and then people start passing out where they fall. I spent another few hours watching television.
I decide I want to see a movie and have a friend drop me off at the nearest theater. I call my friend Eric to see if he wants to join and he agrees. I have a slice of pizza while waiting. He shows up, we watch The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou and then he drops me off here.
That was Christmas day for me. Now, I don't want to sound cynical or, at the worst, a right-winged traditionalist xenophobe, but What the fuck was Christmas-y about that day? Not a damng thing. Except that I received two gifts. Yippity-yay! Whatever.
Now I am very, very tired and looking forward to sleeping in a bit tomorrow. Here's hoping that everyone's Christmas was a very merry one and carried with it some semblance of the blessed holiday. If not for me then for you.

2:06 a.m. - 2004-12-26


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