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ericboy's Diaryland Diary


... and so on

So after waving goodbye to my friends, I went to Claire de Lune's to drink coffee and wallow in my own self-pity. Katie stopped by to buy pastries for her houseguest which she was to be entertaining from Saturday to Tuesday and could not be distracted from. She picked me up some pumpkin bread and then climbed back into her car and drove out of my existence. After parting from my friends, I needed her to fill that void, but she had other plans.

I called Wes at about two to go guitar shopping but he had already begun and was in full swing. I went home and fought with my DVD player in an attempt to watch The Family Guy. I was still in the middle of this conflict when Monica and Eily came by and kidnapped me to hang out with them. We went to Balboa park to see the botanical gardens and then to La Jolla to see the seals, then to Rock Bottom to drink beer and eat nachos. We met up with Stephanie and went to Hamburger Mary's to eat hamburgers and have a smashing good time. I went to work at Midnight to do the inventory thing which ate my time until five-thirty in the morning. Then I went to Denny's with Edward and his brother and talked smack. I went home and thought that I was too depressed to sleep, but passed out being with very little effort at all.

This morning, Monica and Eily woke me and asked me to meet them for coffee. I agreed, on the condition that I could shower and meet them there. Immediately after turning off the water, there was a knock at my door. One of Damey's friends had come to pick up the car that I had been watching for him (O.K. - Driving for him) and take it back to his place. I cleaned it out, something I'd been neglecting, and missed meeting the girls for coffee. By the time that I was done, Eily was on a plan headed for D.C. I miss her, as well. That seems to be my lot as of late, however: missing people.

So now I have no friends, no car, and nothing to do. The band called and said a) the website is substantially more substantial, b) the show was recorded on audio and sounds totally BITCHIN', and c) we've put in a bid to open for the L.A. Guns next month at Dream Street. I'm thinking, "Big fucking deal!!!" Is that going to pull me out of the funk that I'm currently in? No. However, there's a lot of wisdom to the adage "It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." Yes; I miss my friends terribly, but I'm also eternally grateful that I got to see them this past week. I bought Katie a card and wrote something in it to that effect but I don't want to give it to her until after her friend leaves. God forbid I distract her from her time with him.

I'm listening to Black Lab sing "long ago", one of the saddest, most lamentory songs ever written. Not to mention that I have a personal history with it that makes it particularly poignant. I'm feeling pretty empty right now but that's really not anything new.

3:16 a.m. - 2003-08-25


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