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ericboy's Diaryland Diary


Tate & Satan

Last night, I met up with the cast and crew at Sparky's. Okay, so not really. I was terribly late and no one that I knew was there by the time I arrived and so I went around the corner to Makana's house and then we went back to Sparky's and he introduced me to everybody. One of the people I met was Tate, this charming little woman who immediately took to giving me shit. Which was exactly what I wanted. Everybody knows that the way to my heart is to fuck with me. Try to get a rise out of me and I'll hang on your every action. This explains most of my past relationships. The Sara Jones thing makes lots of sense it that light, now doesn't it?

So, anyway, Tate is ragging on me hardcore and I'm falling head over heels for it. She made sure that I had her numbers by the end of the evening so that I could get in touch with her and I plan to do just that. We had a wonderful time last night, capping it off by reconvening at Makana's and getting even shittier drunk then we already were. That in mind, I'd like to talk to her some more while we're sober and see if we get along, or don't, which would be even better for me, since I could get some really nasty flack from her.

Before leaving the house last night, I met two Mormies. That's what I call the guys from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. They caught me reading "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" on my doorstep and clued in that I like to read. Sharp little fuckers, let me tell you. They talked to me a bit and I was just waiting for them to offer me the damn book, because, believe it or not, I want to read it. I enjoy reading the bible and I've always wanted to explore the Book of Mormons, purely for educational reasons. If I want to continue to make fun of the Mormies, I should know a bit about them. That's the same reason why I gave Bo a copy of The Satanic Bible a couple of years ago for his birthday. I handed it to him and said "Know your enemy." He understood and appreciated what I was doing. His parents, on the other hand...

I personally haven't read The Satanic Bible and have no intentions of doing so. I think Satanism is ignorant and foolish. This is, of course, a snap judgement and completely uneducated opinion, but I'm content with that. I'd rather not read the volume of work and find that it might not be so stupid or ignorant. In my head, it exists as moronic, and, God willing, it will stay that way. I've only known a few Satanists in my day and they were all stupid to the fucking bone. I mean, really stupid. I don't think any of them knew anything of the doctrine, either. They just liked the way it sounded to say "Yeah, I'm into Satanic Shit." They pretty much adopted the label as an excuse to wear fucked up clothes and look mad all the time. I believe wholeheartedly in basing your opinions of certain institutions by the impressions left on you by the members of that institution, and so, for that reason, I think Satanism if fucked.

2:20 a.m. - 2003-03-09


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