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ericboy's Diaryland Diary


Lost Prophets/Thursday

I'm talking to Tori on the phone right now and it's soothing to hear her voice even though we're exchanging small words about nothing. I haven't heard from Krista in quite a long time and that unnerves me. I'm wondering if it's something I said or something I've done or something someone else said or did. Twenty-five minutes and forty-one seconds later I'm disconnected from Tori and already I feel the loss. But, as I said, we talked of nothing in particular and I think she only kept me on the line so long out of some feeling of responsibility; as if it were what she should do. She's said that perhaps we should hang out on Friday night. I'm not holding my breath.

I didn't sleep last night. The two nights previous I slept over eleven hours...each night. So not sleeping last night wasn't such a big deal. It was just alarming, you know. I laid down and regulated my breathing and thought of my jobs over the past year that I would have to get a hold of and correct my mailing address for. As time wore on and my thoughts reached conclusions and definite ends, I realized that I was still awake. This infuriated me and so I slammed my body down even harder on the bed and cinched the sheets tightly around my little neck and grit my teeth and tried again. But any idiot knows you can't fall to sleep after such a grand physical display. Defeated, I rose and tried to find food in my apartment, which is like trying to find a sober person at a PHISH concert. I shuffled back to my room and found an old videocassette full of episodes of "The Family Guy" which my roommates and I had taped off of Fox a year ago. I watched these and laughed out loud. When they ended, I read the book that I was reading before I tried to go to sleep for another thirty pages or so. Before I knew it, it was time to go to work, so I did. The rest, as they say, is bullshit.

[They don't say that, anymore]

After work, I high-tailed it to The Woodlands and to Barnes and Noble Booksellers where I purchased a writing magazine to ravage for publishing opportunities. From there I went to Best Buy and bought the Special Edition Thursday "Full Collapse" CD and the lost prophet's "The Fake Sound of Progress". I listened to the prophets in the car and they proved their worth before I ever even got on the freeway. Thursday already established themselves with me before I bought the album, but, as a collector, I had to have it.

The CD-Burner that I use is de-bugged and ready to go so I'm going to make some CDs today and then drink a lot of coffee. For those of you listening at home, don't do anything I wouldn't do, and, if you do, videotape it.

[I feel like a punchline with no accompanying joke]

5:50 p.m. - 2002-11-19


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